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----  英语中颜色相关词汇的引伸含义及其翻译  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=39&rootid=&id=68423)

--  作者:hjx_221
--  发布时间:10/17/2008 10:05:00 AM

--  英语中颜色相关词汇的引伸含义及其翻译

     中西方在运用色彩表示意义方面也存在着明显差异。中国的吉庆色为红色,西方的婚礼色为白色,圣诞色为红、绿、白;中国的明黄为天子的象征,西方的皇家与主教的衣着为紫色。在英语中,表示色彩的词汇可以用来表示人的情绪和性格,还可以用于象征、借代和比喻。例如:He was born in the purple(他出身于高贵家族)这里purple(紫色)的意思是华丽、富贵;She is so jolly green(她实在幼稚得可笑)这里green(绿色)表示幼稚;I  have  had the blues all day(我一整天都心绪不佳)blue(蓝色)比喻情绪低落。下面,我们将讨论一下英语中色彩词汇的引伸含义及其翻译问题。   



    Mary has felt blue ever since her boyfriend left for Europe./ 自从她男朋友到欧洲去以后,玛莉一直感到闷闷不乐。   

    But the blue did occasionally bother all the adults./ 但是大人们也免不了会偶尔感到心情不佳。  



   I am not so black as you  painted me./ 我并不像你描写的那么可怕。       

    Without answering his questions, she gave him a long, black stare./ 她没有回答他的问题,反而恶狠狠地瞪了他好一会儿。  

    Othello entered the chamber, full of the black purpose which he had meditated of putting his lady to death./ 奥赛罗怀着要害死他夫人的邪恶念头,走进了屋里。   


   Don’t talk to him, he is in black mood now./ 别跟他说话,他现在情绪低落。  

    That was one of my black days./ 那是令我沮丧的一天。  


    He was black and blind with hatred of her./ 他怒气冲天,茫然,对她恨之入骨。  

    Why, how very black and disagreeable you look./ 瞧你那怒气冲冲不快活的样子。  


   (1) 表示嫉妒。例如:  

    Alice’s girlfriends were green with envy when they saw her new dress./ 艾丽丝的女朋友们看到艾丽丝的新衣服时,非常嫉妒。  


    You are still as green as grass, Jon./ 乔恩,你还很幼稚。  

    He is rather green, but a couple of years in the army will make him wiser./ 他还相当缺乏经验,不过在部队呆上几年会使他聪明些。  

    Do you see any green in my eye?/ 你以为我幼稚可欺吗?  


    She is red with anger./ 她气得满脸通红。  

    see red:愤怒欲狂  

    When I hear of cruelty to animals it makes me see red./ 当我听到如此惨忍对待动物,气得我怒不可遏。  


    All the family is in the pink./ 全家人的身体都好极了。  

    Children are always feeling in the pink./ 孩子们总是快乐无忧。   


    become purple in the face/ 气得脸色发紫,狂怒  

    He referred to me as the enemy and used to go purple in the face at  the very mention of my name./ 他以前视我为敌人,只要一提到我的名字,他就气得脸色发紫。  



    So this was "our son"—this handsome young man with aristocratic and the white smile and broad shoulders./ 这就是“我们的儿子”--这个五官高贵,笑容纯洁,体格魁梧的漂亮小伙子。  

    (2) a white lie:无恶意的谎言。例如:  

    Though I believe in telling the truth, I think a white lie is sometimes justified.             




    (1) out of the blue:突然,出乎意料的。例如:  

    The old coins were lost for years, then they turned up one day, quite out of the blue./ 丢失了多年的古币终于找到了,真是出乎意料。    

    (2) once in a blue moon:难以得到的。例如:          

    You get a chance like this only once in a blue moon./ 这种机会真是千载难逢。   

    (3) blue in the face:无济于事。例如:  

    You can shout till you are blue in the face, I’m not going to change my mind.  


    (4) till all is blue:没完没了地。例如:  

    You can talk till all is blue but I shall not believe it./ 你可以没完没了地说下去,但是我是不会相信你。  


    (1) black and blue:鼻青脸肿  

    Mrs Ford is beaten black and blue, you can’t see a white spot about her./ 福特太太被打得遍体鳞伤,全身没一块好肉。  

    (2) black and white   

    a. 白纸黑字:  

    He insisted on putting the agreement down in black and white./ 他坚持要把这项协议白纸黑字写下来。   

    b. 黑白影片   

    On television, I like colour for something, and black and white for others.  


    c. 是非分明;绝对化。  

    Everything is black and white to Bill; if you are not his friend, you are his enemy./ 比尔把什么都看成是绝对的,你若不是他的朋友,便是他的敌人。   

    (3) know black from white:精明机敏,有判断力。例如:  

    He is so experienced that he knows black from white./ 他经验丰富,所以很有判断力。  

    (4) paint sb black:往某人脸上抹黑。例如:  

    "I’m glad for my own sake, that he is not so black as he is painted."/ 我为我自己感到高兴,高兴他不是象你说的那么坏。  

    (5) black out:涂掉,掩蔽。例如:  

    Darkness was blacking out both sea and jungle./ 暮蔼渐渐地掩蔽了海洋和丛林。  

    (6) in sb’s black books:得罪某人。例如:   

    I am in lady Agatha’s black books at present./ 眼下我得罪了亚加沙夫人。  


    (1) give sb the green light:为某人开绿灯。例如:  

    Mother gave us the green light to go on camping trip./ 母亲为我们的宿营旅行开了绿灯。  

    (2) 充满活力,强壮:  

    Though in the green, he may not equal to the task./ 尽管他还年富力强,但他也许不能胜任这个工作。  

    The beat—looking grass lying around isn’t enough to make their lives green./ 四周的草坪毫无生气,不足以为他们的生命增添活力。  

    (3) 青草地,青菜:  

    I hope to have seen him on the green tonight./ 我希望能在青草地见到他。  

    Had I not eaten the plate of greens, Granny would not allow me out again./ 假如我不吃完那盘青菜,奶奶是不准我再出来的。  


    (1) red-handed:当场捉住  

    They came out of the bank carrying the money and the police caught them red-handed./ 他们带着赃款从银行里出来,被警察当场捉住。  

    (2) go into the red:欠债,出现赤字  

    This has meant they went heavily into the red./ 这就意味着他们出现了严重的赤字。  

    (3) be out of  the  red:盈利  

    We will soon be out of the red./ 我们不久就要转亏为盈了。  


    pink love/ 完美的爱情    

    Their new cook seemed to be the pink of perfection./ 他们的新厨师看来是好到了极点。  

    One day, she was pink and flawless;another pale and tragical./ 有时她娇妍,完美,而有时她就灰白,凄楚。  



    Throughout that night I lay in the purple limbo between sleeping and waking./ 我在半睡半醒的缥渺的幻境中度过整夜。  


    This is the unsounded purple sea of marching billows./ 这是一个浪涛滚滚的不安宁的华美的大海。  



    The yellow afternoon had the warm breath of summer./ 晴朗的下午已经有夏日的温暖气息。  


    I can’t even talk about it, except to you, because anybody else would think I was yellow./ 除你之外,这种事不能对别人说,因为他们会觉得我窝囊。   


    It’s really yellow./ 这真是卑鄙的勾当。  



    They choose a white day for their engagement./ 他们选择吉日订婚。   

    We can’t forget those days marked with a white stone./ 我们难以忘怀那些幸福的日子。   

    (2)call white black:颠倒黑白。例如:  

    He is the kind of person who calls white black./ 他就是那种颠倒黑白的人。  



    blue book/ 蓝皮书(英政府文件),blue collar worker/ 蓝领工人,blue film/ 色情影片,blue stocking/ 学者、书呆子,blue -jacket/ 水兵,blue blood/ 高贵血统,blue law/ 清教徒法规,blue-ribbon/ 名著佳作  


    black box/ 黑匣子,black death/ 黑死病,black sheep/ 败家子, black tea/ 红茶,black comedy/ 黑色喜剧,black list/ 黑名单,black magic/ 妖术,black market/ 黑市  


    green back/ 美钞,green book/(英)绿皮书,green fingers/(英)园艺技工,green hand/新手、没有经验的人,green house/ 温室,green power/(美)金钱力量,green room/ 演员休息室  


    red-blind/ 红色色盲,red cap/(美)车站搬运工,red head/ 红头发人,red blooded/ 勇敢、充满活力  


    pink-eye/火眼,pink lady/ 白兰地、柠檬汁调制成的鸡尾酒,pink slip/ 解雇通知书,pink tea/(讲究仪式的)午后茶会  


    white terror/ 白色恐怖,white light/ 白光,公正无私的判断,white magic/ 戏法,魔术,white night/ 不眠之夜

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