
-  中文XML论坛 - 专业的XML技术讨论区  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/index.asp)
--  『 其他W3C规范 』  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/list.asp?boardid=25)
----  学习web标准的重要链接大全   [转帖]  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=25&rootid=&id=15435)

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:3/12/2005 2:42:00 PM

--  学习web标准的重要链接大全   [转帖]

这是一笔财富,485个与web标准有关的、受人喜爱的站点、文章和blog被收集在这里。Steve Smith和Shaun Inman完成了这个列表,因此获益的我们应该感谢他们!

‘Building Accessible Websites’ serialization
hicksdesign: 3D CSS Box Model
3 equalizing col layout +header +footer - SitePoint Forums
4 Reasons to Validate your HTML
456 Berea Street
A List Apart
A Practical Start to Web Standards : OrderedList.com
A Web Standards Primer | Kit | maccaws.org
Accessible web design consultancy: The MCU: Article: What is an accessible website?
Accessible web design consultancy: The MCU: The Advantages of Using Valid HTML
Accessify.com - all the tools, links and resources you'll ever need to make your web site accessible.
Accessify.com - Attractive, Accessible Web Sites (AKA disproving the myth of ugly)
Accessify.com - List-o-matic - generate CSS-styled navigation based on
Adactio: Articles - CSS Based Design
adaptive path » 90% of all usability testing is useless
adaptive path » the business value of web standards
Advanced CSS Layouts: Step by Step - WebReference.com
Airbag - A Better Tighty Whitey.
Airbag - Standard Angst.
All CSS Sites Look the Same - HTML Dog Blog - HTML Dog
Alternative Style: Working With Alternate Style Sheets: A List Apart
An exercise in clarity: Web Standards (Signal vs. Noise)
An Interview With Mike Davidson of ESPN (Part 1)
Andy Budd::Blogography: An Objective Look at Table Based vs. CSS Based Design
Andy Budd::Blogography: May 2004
Andy Budd::Blogography: No Margin for Error
Andy Budd::Blogography: The Business Case for Web Accessibility
apcmag.com: The World Wide Web is not enough
Article - Web Design Tips and Usability with Steve Krug - WebTalkGuys Radio
ASP.NET Resources - ASP.NET With Emphasis On Web Standards
Bending the Matrix : OrderedList.com
Better Living Through XHTML: A List Apart
BlueRobot - There's nothing wrong with gray.
bobbyvandersluis.com :: The learning curve of web standards ::
Bookmarks for standards testing (Joe Clark: fawny.org)
Box Lessons
Box Model Hack
BrainJar.com: CSS Positioning
BrainJar.com: Experiments in Web Programming
BrainJar.com: Revenge of the Menu Bar
Business Benefits of Accessible Web Design
Canadian election Web sites flunk standards test (Joe Clark: Media Access)
Cascading Style Sheets, level 1
Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2
centricle : css filters (css hacks)
Clearing a float container without source markup
Client-side Table Sorting
Closures and executing JavaScript on page load - SitePoint DHTML & CSS Blog
CollyLogic: Ticked Off? Visited Links How-To
Color scheme
Consistent List Indentation
Containing Floats (Complex Spiral Consulting)
CoolHomepages Cool Web Sites Gallery, Web Page Templates, Best of the Web, Cool Homepages
Creating Liquid Layouts with Negative Margins: A List Apart
CSS and Email, Kissing in a Tree: A List Apart
CSS and round corners: Making accessible menu tabs
CSS articles and tutorials: A List Apart
CSS Cursors - testcase for bug 163174
CSS Design: Creating Custom Corners & Borders Part II: A List Apart
CSS Design: Creating Custom Corners & Borders: A List Apart
CSS Design: Going to Print: A List Apart
CSS Design: Taming Lists: A List Apart
css dropdown
CSS From the Ground Up - 1
CSS Layouts - saila.com
CSS No Crap Primer
CSS Sprites: Image Slicing’s Kiss of Death: A List Apart
CSS Tabs :: Kalsey Consulting Group
CSS Talking Points: Selling Clients on Web Standards: A List Apart
CSS Tutorial
CSS Vault Gallery » Bright Creative
CSS vs Table
css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design
CSS, Accesibility and Standards Links
CssBeauty | Css Design Showcase
CYBERcodeur.net - Weblog v4.0 [ Article #7 : Du Web jetable au Web durable ]
Day 28: Labeling form elements - Dive Into Accessibility
Dead Centre
Demystifying Usability
Design by Fire
Design by Fire: Design Eye for the Usability Guy
Design by Fire: For the greater good of Design, p.1
Design by Fire: Gurus v. Bloggers, Round 1
Design by Fire: The real reason you should care about web standards
Design Rant
design.PRINCIPLES - and reh3.com resource
Designing With Web Standards
Developing With Web Standards | 456 Berea Street
Digital Life Archive - 28 June, 2003
Digital Web Magazine - In Defense of Fahrner Image Replacement
Digital Web Magazine - Keep It Simple Column
Digital Web Magazine - Separating behavior and structure
Digital Web Magazine - The Behavior Layer
Digital Web Magazine - Web Page Reconstruction with CSS
Dive Into Accessibility
DMSTK - Conde Duque :: XHTML y CSS - Orange
dog or higher: Catching web standards
Don't "Click here" [Scribbling.net]
Dynamic Text Replacement: A List Apart
Elastic Design: A List Apart
evolt.org - Browser Archive
Explorer Exposed!
Faux Columns: A List Apart
Fayetteville Public Library
Fire and Knowledge » Rounded Corners Without Images, Part 1
Fix Your Site With the Right DOCTYPE!: A List Apart
Fixed and foxy
Flash of Unstyled Content (FOUC)
Flash Satay: Embedding Flash While Supporting Standards: A List Apart
Float: The Theory
Floatutorial: Step by step CSS float tutorial
Flowing and Positioning: Two Page Models
From Table Hacks to CSS Layout: A Web Designer’s Journey: A List Apart
Front Page - css-discuss
Give The Web Some Respect
glish.com : CSS layout techniques
Go get your boss
Helping Your Visitors: a State of Mind: A List Apart
Hide CSS from Browsers
How to Save Web Accessibility from Itself: A List Apart
How to size text using ems | clagnut/blog
HTML 4.01 Specification
HTML and CSS Tutorials, References, Articles and News - HTML Dog
HTML Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
HTML Utopia: Designing Without Tables Using CSS
iCab - das Internet-Taxi für den Mac
iCab - Let iCab smile
Iconico - ColorPic
IE Three Pixel Gap
Image Replacement—No Span
Images, Tables, and Mysterious Gaps
isolani - Accessibility within [Company Name]
isolani - Dynamic and Accessible web applications
Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report : Production for Use
Jeffrey Zeldman Presents: The Daily Report : Reinventing the wheel
Jeffrey Zeldman Presents: The Daily Report : Rules-based design
Jeffrey Zeldman Presents: The Daily Report : Spelling and grammar not the same
jesse.richardson.name .:. home
Keeping it tall - redmelon.net
Le «blog personnel» de Joe Clark » i let u b u
Learn : Accessible Forms
learn web standards :: a dao of web design
learn web standards :: browser support - basic concepts
learn web standards :: css guide - contents
Let's Be Honest, But Let's Not Get Crazy » Whitespace
linear ★ control printed pages (to a degree) with @media CSS rules
Listamatic2: nested list options
Listamatic: Listamatic: one list, many options
Listutorial: Step by step CSS list tutorial
Little Boxes
Mandarin Design Daily:Drop Shadows
Matthew Thomas » When semantic markup goes bad
Max DesignColored boxes - one method of building full CSS layouts
mezzoblue  §  A Roadmap to Standards
mezzoblue  §  Abstracting CSS
mezzoblue  §  css crib sheet
mezzoblue  §  CSS is Visual
mezzoblue  §  CSS Problem-Solving
mezzoblue  §  design, typography, and the web: live from vancouver, b.c., canada
mezzoblue  §  Positioning and the Cascade
Mike Davidson: March to Your Own Standard
Mike Rundle: Accessible Image Replacement
Modified Simplified Box Model Hack
More Important Than Web Standards
Mountaintop Corners: A List Apart
Mulder's Stylesheets Tutorial
nikochan: Esquinas redondeadas, sin imágenes
Nilesh's Weblog: Super Ragged Floats 2
Non-Standard Code Hurts The Bottom Line
notestips.com :: Designing Forms Using CSS Layouts
NYPL: Style Guide
Off the Top :: vanderwal.net
Olympic Failure: A Case for Making the Web Accessible
Onion Skinned Drop Shadows: A List Apart
Peek-a-boo IE6 Bug
Picment.com » Articles » CSS » Fun with forms – customized input elements
Picture This
Practical CSS Layout Tips, Tricks, & Techniques: A List Apart
Progressive Enhancement and the Future of Web Design
QuirksMode - for all your browser quirks
QuirksMode - for all your browser quirks : document.body and doctype switching
QuirksMode - for all your browser quirks : Viewport properties
Re: Coloured Cells in Tables
Reading Design: A List Apart
Real World Style
Real World Style: Environmental Style
Real World Style: Floating Thumbnails
Real World Style: Forms
Reasons to switch to the Mozilla Firefox browser onestab.net已经翻译
Recent Articles - The Missing <link> in the World Wide Web :: WATS.ca
redmelon.net - someone said rounded corners were hard...
Relatively Absolute: Cross-Browser CSS Tabs With Rollover
Retooling Slashdot with Web Standards: A List Apart
sane css typography
Science & Technology at Scientific American.com: The Semantic Web -- A new form of Web content that is meaningful to computers will unleash a revolution of new possibilities
Semantic data extractor
Semantic obsolescence [dive into mark]
Separation: The Web Designer’s Dilemma: A List Apart
ShaunInman.com // Commentary // IFR: Revisited and Revised
si-blog: 10 reasons for web standards
Sick Of Web Standards
Simon Willison: Two handy FireFox extensions
SimpleBits | Accessible Image-Tab Rollovers
SimpleBits | book
SimpleBits | CSS Photo Zoom
SimpleBits | Magic Icons for Lazy People (like me)
SimpleBits | Mini Tabs
SimpleBits | Mini-Tab Shapes
SimpleBits | SimpleQuiz
SimpleBits | SimpleQuiz › Part I: Headings
SimpleBits | SimpleQuiz › Part XV: Numbered List Pairs
SimpleBits | SimpleQuiz Archives
SimpleBits | Standards Around the House
SimpleBits | This Validates!
Sinelogic Press | Building Better
Sliding Doors of CSS - How To :: Gdesign.it
Sliding Doors of CSS: A List Apart
Source Ordered Columns
Standards don't necessarily have anything to do with being semantically correct (kottke.org)
Stevarino.com &raquo; Purple Numbers - WP Hack
Stopdesign | A Design Process Revealed
Stopdesign | Making the Absolute, Relative
Stopdesign | On Fixed vs. Liquid Design
Stopdesign | The Cost of Page Rank
Stopdesign | The IE Factor
Stopdesign | The New Blogger
Stu Nicholls | Cutting Edge CSS | Doing it with Style
Style Guide for Online Hypertext
Suckerfish Dropdowns - HTML Dog
Super Ragged Floats : evolt.org, Visual Design
SuperfluousBanter: Navigation Matrix
SuperfluousBanter: Navigation Matrix Reloaded
Survival guide to i18n
Tables My Ass - HTML Dog Blog - HTML Dog
Tables Vs. CSS - A Fight to the Death
text sizing - up the garden path
The benefits of Web Standards to your visitors, your clients and you
The best web development tool - ever : evolt.org, IA/Usability
The Box Model Problem
The Business Benefits of Web Standards
The CSS Vault
The Layout Reservoir - BlueRobot
The Man in Blue > Writing > Perspective Archives
the noodle incident
The original proposal of the WWW, HTMLized
The Tao of WebDesign
The ThrashBox™
The Trouble With EM ’n EN (and Other Shady Characters): A List Apart
The W3C CSS Validation Service
The W3C Markup Validation Service
The Way Forward with Web Standards | Kit | maccaws.org
The Web Standards Project
The Weekly Standards
They Are Just Tools Man &raquo; Whitespace
Tim Berners-Lee
To Hell With Bad Browsers: A List Apart
Two columns with color
twothirty media inc. - we build websites. web design vancouver, british columbia, canada
Updated Simple CSS Tabs | silverorange labs
Validating XHTML with Dreamweaver MX
Veerle's blog - Comments
W3C HTML Home Page
WaSP : Learn : FAQ
WaSP : Learn : Interviews : Dan Cederholm
Web Design References
Web Design References: Glossary
Web Developer Extension on chrispederick.com
Web Page Development: Best Practices
Web Standards Awards
Web Standards Group - Ten Questions for Dan Cederholm
Web Standards ROI
Web Standards, Where do we go from here? A few ideas...
Webes technol&Atilde;&sup3;gi&Atilde;&iexcl;k
Welcome to Bobby WorldWide
Welcome to Max Design
wg:CSS Teaser or Lead-in Box
What Is Web Accessibility?: A List Apart
Why Don’t You Code for Netscape?: A List Apart
Why tables for layout is stupid: problems defined, solutions offered
Why we won’t help you [dive into mark]
Wired News: Behind the Wired News Design
World Wide Web Consortium
XHTML Web Design for Beginners - Part 2
Yale Style Manual-Table of Contents
youngpup.net - index
Zeldman: Designing With Web Standards
[ws] Fast Rollovers Without Preload
[ws] Wellstyled.com

--  作者:derrida
--  发布时间:5/19/2005 10:54:00 AM



--  作者:binaryluo
--  发布时间:7/31/2005 10:50:00 AM

--  作者:linuzboy
--  发布时间:1/20/2006 12:45:00 PM

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